Why - The Purpose ?
The brief is from a client, who's a businessman in food industry, based on Bombay. The client wishes to have a private residence in Juhu, which caters to the needs of him and his joint family who'd be staying with him. Here, the position taken by our practice was of serving a privately funded client, more like a pro bono project to financially drive the practice. But, at the same time, an attempt was made which questions the idea of home and built space, about looking into the class divide and gap - spatially, between the supporting staff ( guards, caretakers, maids etc ) and the family that resides in the residence.
Outcome - Learning :
1. The following project helped in understanding how the various roles and responsibilities of every individual would turn out in the practice at various stages of design.
2. During the process, it also made me think about the idea of community and catering to it as a practice, whether if it should be just restricted to a particular section of the society or should it look the whole society as one community and keep a flexible working approach as the client - context changes ( further discussed during the final review ).